Technado, Ep. 175: Salt Security’s Roey Eliyahu

October 29, 2020 00:49:27
Technado, Ep. 175: Salt Security’s Roey Eliyahu
Technado, Ep. 175: Salt Security’s Roey Eliyahu

Oct 29 2020 | 00:49:27


Show Notes

Salt Security’s Roey Eliyahu joined Technado to discuss one of the most vulnerable things security teams often overlook: APIs. They dissected an API issue at Uber that left accounts open to attack. Then, in the news, the guys covered Vint Cerf’s plan for Internet in space, Microsoft throttling availability of their October 2020 Windows 10 update, Ubuntu’s Groovy Gorilla, and a group of hackers stealing from the rich and giving just a little to the poor. Finally, in the run-up to the US elections, they discussed a largely unsuccessful hack from China masquerading as McAfee Antivirus as well as a successful ransomware attack that affected a Georgia county’s election database.

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