Technado, Ep. 218: On Defend's Ben Finke

August 26, 2021 00:50:04
Technado, Ep. 218: On Defend's Ben Finke
Technado, Ep. 218: On Defend's Ben Finke

Aug 26 2021 | 00:50:04


Show Notes

On this week's Technado, the crew was joined by OnDefend's cofounder Ben Finke. Ben talked about some interesting tools to help blue-teamers, as well as helping the team dissect the latest T-Mobile hack. In the news, the guys discussed Apple's iCloud Passwords coming to Windows, Ubuntu getting certified for secure and regulated workloads, Cloudflare stopping a record-breaking DDoS attack, a Razer bug that affects Windows 10, and a massive Microsoft breach that included socials and medical records.

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